Friday the 13th

By Dara Barnwell

Happy Friday the 13th! I kind of love this day.  The superstitious are walking on egg shells and I’m walking around in glee.  It’s kind of magical!  I always like to tell those who are superstitious about superstitions they’ve never heard of and watch chaos ensue.  Yeah, I’m kind of a stinker.

To those of you who enjoy Friday the 13th as much as me, here is a list of my favorite superstitions.  Enjoy!

1.  Drive a coin into a felled tree and your illness will be taken away.

I’ve never tried this particular trick, but if I’m sick the last thing I want to do is drag my decrepit butt out to the woods, find a tree that’s been cut down and hammer a perfectly good coin into it.  Those coins are money and this girl has got to make some change!

2. Put a knife under the bed of a woman in labor to cut the pain in half.

Take it from someone who has two sons…always go with the epidural!

3. Don’t cut your fingernails on Sunday or the devil will be with you all week.

My grandma was such a staunch believer in this that if she saw you giving yourself a manicure on Sunday she would smack your hands, take the clippers, and hide them.  Honestly, I used to do it on purpose and then tell her nothing happened to me all week.  She was not amused.

4. 13 is an unlucky number.

Technically speaking, most building refuse to have a 13th floor because so many people believe this superstition. 

5. Breaking a mirror is 7 years bad luck.

I am a clumsy dork.  I have broken several mirrors in my lifetime.  I’m still here people!

6. Walking under a ladder is bad luck.  

Ok, I’ve never tried this one.  I don’t even own a ladder.

7. If you spill the salt you must throw a pinch of salt over your left shoulder.

I confess, I do this ALL THE TIME.  I grew up in the kitchen with my mom and grandma and they did it.  I just assumed it was something you did anytime you used salt.  Now I can’t make myself stop.  Maybe that’s why I don’t have bad luck?

8. A black cat crossing your path is bad luck.

When I was in high school, my mom worked for a Veterinarian.  The Vet’s daughter was one of my best friends (still friends to this day) and I used to help out in the clinic whenever I could.  There was a man who would not come in the clinic if there were any cats in there;He didn’t want to take the chance.  When he was driving if he saw a black cat up ahead he would turn around and go back the other direction or take an alternate route.

I’ve owned several black kitty cats and they are just as sweet and lovable as the rest.  As a matter of fact, I’m on the lookout for another one.

9. If the broom falls you will have unexpected company.

I don’t know how many times my broom has fallen over.  Usually because I brushed up against it or one of my kids did.  Never noticed anyone coming over afterwards.

10. When you enter your new home always bring a new broom.

I’ve done this before.  Every time we have ever moved I have left the old broom at the old house and bought a new broom to the new house.  It’s supposed to leave the old problems at the old house.  Yeah..yeah…shut up.

11.  Rocking an empty rocking chair will welcome evil spirits to a home.

Maybe the spirits like the soothing rocking motion?

12. Pick up a penny but only if it’s heads up

I will admit to this on too.  I never pick up a penny that’s not heads up.  Yeah, I have problems.

13. If a bat flies around a house 3 times it is a death omen.

I live in the country and love to sit out on my deck at dusk.  Inevitably, the mosquitoes always try to chase us inside but the bats will come out and fly around the house.  I’m usually really happy to see them because they eat the little blood suckers.  So maybe instead of a death omen there are just a lot of bugs around your house.

I think I’ll take my chances and end on 13.  But first I want to show you something….

These are just a few of the four leafed clovers I have found.  I have this weird talent where I can spot them as I’m walking across the yard. My record is 15 in 6 minutes.  It’s a completely useless talent, but maybe that’s why I can be so fearless about bad luck?  Hmmm…food for thought.

Well that’s all for right now folks.  Remember if a black cat crosses your path it signifies that the animal is going somewhere.

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