Tell Us a Superstition You Absolutely Believe In

By Dara Barnwell

Recently we asked our readers what is a superstition you absolutely believe in. The answers came rolling in. Read on to see what your fellow Eerie Rift readers believe emphatically.

I grew up believing (and still do) that if I go to sleep with wet hair, I’ll wake up sick or with a cold… it happened to me a few times as a kid whenever I dared to go to sleep with wet hair, and I realize it’s probably because it was cold at night PLUS I had the wet hair… but I still won’t do it, even to this day as an adult! I won’t risk it!

I grew up believing in fan death (basically the idea that sleeping next to an electric fan causes death because it moves the oxygen away from you) — even now that i’ve learned that it’s just a cultural / urban legend, i refuse to believe that it’s not true 😅-gudetamagoodegg

I can’t sleep in a room without a fan going lol 😂 Lucky for me death has never been an issue. However, my grandmother and many in her generation believed that you could not let a cat around a sleeping baby because it would take its breath. 🤷🏼‍♀️ We humans believe weird things-

I have to touch the outside of the plane before I get into it for a flight. I cannot and will not allow myself to ever not touch the plane. No clue where this superstition formed, but I am not chancing it.-OhWinterAvenue

I believe that when a cardinal is near, it’s the spirit of one of your deceased relatives paying you a visit. My mom and my grandmother have always said this.PsychicMew.

Never ever say something couldn’t possibly get any worse. I believe in jinxing, with all my cynical, black heart. Lol-fembecca

A heads up penny will bring good luck!-sassyvixen

So my momma always said when you drive past a cemetery you should be respectful of the departed and turn your music off, she said if You don’t then they’d become angry with you and you can form attachments. So every time I pass a cemetery I turn my music off.-LolasDone

Never say that things seem quiet. If you’re in healthcare you know what I’m talking about.-Skelthy

Ugh! My grandmother was very superstitious and therefore made me superstitious by association and when my mom saw me doing superstitious things she had this talk about how religious people don’t believe insuperstitions (even though my grandmother was religious) so I always find myself doing superstitious things and then getting onto myself!!!

For example: If I find a penny on the ground in heads, I pick it up and make a cross on the ground where the penny was. If the penny is on tales, I flip it over and leave it for someone else.Every time I see someone open an umbrella inside a building I shake my head and think about how they will have bad luck.

I still have a ‘lucky pouch’ that I have had since childhood that I have because of my grandma , which includes her lucky rubbing stone.

This one is kinda a two-parter and I’m not sure if the second part is a superstition.Anywho, my mom always yelled at me growing up for putting my purse on the floor. I guess it’s a symbol of bad luck and losing money. So, I now put it up on chairs or hooks.To couple with that, I’ve also grown accustomed to “feng shue-ing” my money? It’s where you put the “stronger” more crisp bills on the outside of a bunch of cash and put the crappier, more worn bills on the inside, containing the “negative” energy from the money. You also unfold any folded corners. I go a step further by organizing my bills biggest to smallest and putting the crispiest one on the outside and the crispiest $20 or so on the other outside side.-kezie26

if i say something bad like…. about the state of things or like about how things could get worse…. i immediately have to find some real wood to go knock on. i once read that knocking on wood alerts the faeries from the trees and they come look after you if you knock for them. i like to just imagine that knocking on wood helps keep those bad things i’ve said out loud from coming true.-evilkingsam

Ooh, I’m pretty superstitious! One that comes to mind is eating a dozen grapes under the table on New Year’s is good luck!-spirit_koolaid

I can’t think of any of the top of my head besides karma. The funny thing is I don’t want to believe in it but I just do. I think it’s partially due to my ocd lol. I just try to be a kind person and not talk bad about others or wish ill upon anyone. I try to pay forward good deeds and help others out when I can.-kingofspace65

If a street light goes out as you go under it, something bad is about to happen. Idk who told it to me or why, but I hate that I still believe it. Oh, and the mirror thing lol-ivegotnothingbuttime

If a broom falls down company is coming. Or, worse, bad luck! Quick! Pick it up! :)-karatechoptime

I believe more crime and supernatural activity occurs during the full moon!-emilyb

I believe that if someone is sweeping the floor and sweeps over your feet, you’ll never get married xD-medegg6876

Breaking a mirror leads to 7 years of bad luck.-mental-plane

I absolutely believe in putting salt in doorways to keep evil away.-Fantastic_Figment

I’ve been told to clean before Lunar New Year, and that it could be bad luck to wait to clean after. Sweeping during Tết is taboo, or xui (unlucky), since it symbolizes sweeping the luck away; that is why they clean before the new year.-iron-rabbit

Thank you to everyone who shared their beliefs! Until next time.

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